
汽车/摩托车(制造/维护/配件/销售/服务/租赁) 100-199人 外商独资、外企办事处 苏州吴江区
带薪年假、五险一金、绩效奖金、全勤奖、节日福利、专业培训 作五休二 餐费补助 汽车零部件
Relats is an European medium-sized family company that is highly internationalized, which manufactures flexible pipes and thermal insulation electrical, mechanical protection sleeves and reduction of sound insulation and electromagnetic components, especially applied to automotive and mass transport (aerospace-and-railway), electricity and appliances and renewable energy.The company was founded in 1957 in Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona) by Vicenç Relats Arimon and designs and produces a range of products with textile substrate systems for engines, brakes, push pull cables, rubber hoses and metal, among many others. With a presence in four of the five continents across five manufacturing plants (in Spain, the United Kingdom, China, Mexico and Morocco) we have achieved numerous quality certifications such as ISO9001 for manufacturing industry, ISO / TS for the automotive sector and the EN9100 total quality system for the aerospace industry.We are present in China since year 2004 and with continuous growth since then. For more information: www.relats.com 瑞纳智公司是一家欧洲的中型全球化家族企业,主要生产伸缩性电器保护套管、机械保护及降噪套管和电子屏蔽套管,产品主要应用在汽车,大众运输 (航空和铁路),电子及其应用以及新能源。公司于1957年由Vicenç Relats Arimon先生 在巴塞罗纳.Caldes de Montbui创办,设计和制造一系列可以用到引擎和刹车系统的绝缘产品,例如汽车拉索、橡胶软管和金属软管等保护应用。 目前在五大洲的4大洲有5家工厂(西班牙,英国,中国,墨西哥和摩洛哥),并取得了众多的质量体系认证,如:制造业的ISO9001, 汽车业的ISO/TS16949, 航空业的EN9100。中国工厂自2004年建立以来, 一直持续增长。更多信息请登录 www.relats.com 本公司提供完善的福利: 提供优厚的薪资待遇及五险一金; 每天往返苏州及吴江班车; 公寓式宿舍(1人/间); 节假日福利,员工生日券; 年度体检及旅游; 年终奖,每年公司举办年终聚餐、抽奖等; 对有潜力人才有长期培训计划,包括英文课程及专业知识培训! 公司地址:江苏省苏州市吴江区震泽镇梅新路169号 欢迎优秀人才加入我司行列!


